• Excellent Eclecticism

    July 31, 2023

    “Contemporary jazz is filled with various eclectic acts and combinations of all kinds of styles, but I haven’t heard such an excellent eclectic album for a long time, which is at the same time sonically original, fresh and puts jazz language connected in a very musical spirit. Be sure to listen to this great act… Read more »

  • 5***** for “Times of Change Vol.2”

    February 21, 2022

    “A unique and exciting atmosphere with a taste of mystery and psychodelia.” Thank you Patrik Spanko from the Slovakian online magazine skjazz.sk for your favourable and competent review; what a nice surprise! Here you’ll find the full article!

  • Allererstes Schlagobers

    February 1, 2022

    4* in the current German HiFi magazine STEREO for “Times of Change Vol.2“! “Quirlige Retro-Sounds”, “grooviger progressive Rock” and “delikater Elektro-Jazz” were a few of the key-words from author Sven Thielmann. Thank you very much!