June 25, 2020
The current issue of the German magazine JAZZTHING #134 presents an enthusiastic review of Heinrich von Kalnein’s new production “Möbius Strip” (NAT 47620-2). “Ein Doppelalbum von Gewicht.” Author Hans-Jürgen Schaal rounds it up writing “Ein saxofonistischer Leckerbissen mit Langzeitwirkung.” Thank you very much!
June 13, 2020
“…an excellent pairing of albums, with the juxtaposition between composed and improvised music engaging and demonstrative of superb musicianship”. Thank You Elliott Marlow-Stevens from the British JAZZ JOURNAL for a very favourable review of Heinrich von Kalnein’s current CD “Möbius Strip”!
May 20, 2020
Author Frank Becker recommends locking your door and lying down on the floor while listening. Thank you for this comprehensive and funny review of “Möbius Strip” in your MUSENBLÄTTER magazine!
May 15, 2020
That’s the quintessence of Hans-Dieter Grünefeld’s review in the current German SONIC Magazin, the leading magazine for brass and woodwinds. “Ein tolles Sax Doppel für unvoreingenommene Ohren. Nicht versäumen!” Thank you very much!
May 11, 2020
Bernhard Jugel, jazz critic for the German radio station BR5 (Bayerischer Rundfunk”) declared “Möbius Strip” as jazz album of the month. Thank you very much!