„This is the second CD of my quintet featuring the wonderful French-Vietnamese guitar virtuoso Nguyên Lê and the late, wonderful Monika Trotz on vocals. With this band I travelled quite a bit, mostly Germany and Austria. Most of the electronic sounds I produced with the YAMAHA WX 7 and a few sound patches designed by my longtime musical partner, Austrian keyboard specialist Uli Rennert. The music we created, sort of an „acoustic jazz fusion“, does have a cineastic quality. Therefore I enjoyed the B-movie pulp fiction cover idea.“
Heinrich von Kalnein, Natango Music
„Heinrich Von Kalnein ist ein Klangreisender auf dem Saxophon: Auf Perfect World brilliert der Deutsche mit ausdrucksstarken Klangfarben und packenden Spielschattierungen seiner Jazzband.“ (4/4-5)
Angela Ballhorn – Audio/BRD 10/98